Hi Parents,
This is your roadmap, a go-to, a support framework to help get your kids and families through the cold, the congestion, the cough, and the fever. This is designed to help during those tough “3 am” moments when you can’t pick up the phone, head to the store, you want to be “natural” and healthy, but really don’t want what is on the shelf at your local 24-hour drug store.
If you follow us, you know our mission is to SIMPLIFY health and wellness, and that starts with your natural medicine cabinet! And honestly, after you’re done applying this, you won’t need more space…but WAY LESS!
Here’s why, if you’ve been following our Raising Healthy Kids Naturally Series, you know that much of our health is controlled by our central nervous system ????. It truly is like the “mom boss” of the family, as it watches all, knows all, and keeps track of all.
Keep that nervous system healthy and adaptable through regular chiropractic wellness care, and the body will be at ease and ready to respond to the immune challenges coming at it at all times. Then, add on and support that natural immune response with your Nature’s Medicine Cabinet of nutrition, supplements, oils, herbs, and more!
Before you download the PDF with all the details, let’s set the framework and share a disclaimer of sorts…
It’s not just what’s in your medicine cabinet, it starts with what is in your overall diet and lifestyle.
We categorize these together (vitamins, supplements, and nutrition) because it’s crucial that you first “eat and live clean” as much as possible before you battle it out on what supplements or essential oils to turn to. This includes limiting preservatives, additives, food dyes, pesticides ????, and really just anything you can’t pronounce when you see it on the label. Kids and chemicals simply don’t mix!
Toxins such as those listed above, create both a sympathetic fight ????-or-flight ️ response, which then triggers an inflammatory response. This is especially problematic if your child has any ADHD, sensory, spectrum, or anxiety (“Perfect Storm”) like challenges, as it often makes those struggles significantly worse as well.
So, what do you need in that cabinet?
For supplements, we start with the ‘Core Four” of a solid, whole food multivitamin or smoothie, a clean source of omega 3’s, probiotics, and a solid vitamin D supplement. Then for all you extra hard chargers, add in Magnesium, Zinc, B Vitamins, and stress-busting herbs.
Use nutrition, these core supplements and your regular weekly Chiropractic adjustment as your BASE! Then download this AMAZING PDF as your “GO TO” when you need to go into that SIMPLER, MORE NATURAL medicine cabinet!
The Isdale Chiropractic Team